Agri-Business & Food Processing
Fast Facts
- 1st in the U.S. in food manufacturing and processing
- 9,800+ employed in food processing
- 10,000+ employed in agriculture and farming
- 320+ food processing companies
- 7 NC Dept. of Agriculture research stations
- 3 community value-added processing centers
- Prime Agri-industry locations available
- Several counties ranked in top 40 best places to farm in U.S.
North Carolina’s Southeast region, long known for its productive land and innovative agricultural companies, has several of the top farm income producing counties in the nation. With more than 26,000 people employed in food processing and 12,000 employed in agriculture and farming, the area’s well-trained workforce continues to meet the needs of existing businesses within this sector.
Examples of products processed and/or grown in the region include pork, poultry, sauces, food/drink ingredients, sweet potato products, peanuts, soybean oil, grapes, tobacco, and blueberries. Wineries and vineyards are also a growth sector in the region due to the area’s fertile loamy soils that are ideal for grapes.
Bio-Renewable Assets
Swine Lagoons and Pork Processors
Crop Producers
Forestry/Logging & Support Services
Transportation Network
Southeastern North Carolina offers an abundance of resources to support the growth of your company. NC Southeast, in conjunction with the NC Biotechnology Center, has developed a GIS based platform that allows for easy access to information related to a variety of natural/industrial feedstocks, available properties, robust infrastructure, and transportation assets. The information is available in multiple layers that can be customized and can also be produced in a map to reflect the all the data needed for decision making. Contact NC Southeast to learn more about how this tool can facilitate your expansion and relocation efforts.